Original Posted: Mar. 1, 2021
Well, February was a month that I am glad to see behind us. The record lows and snowfall were worrisome, but how quickly things change in Oklahoma. Special recognition to the Oklahoma National Guard’s response to the winter weather. The Stranded Motorist Assistance Recovery Teams did a tremendous job assisting Oklahomans during the storm.
The weather closures made for a quiet month here at the museum and delayed a few projects, including the inventory of our Federal artifacts. This important project will take place the week of March 8th and should have minimal impact on visitors to the museum.
The museum will be adding artifacts belonging to World War II Division Commander Troy Middleton in the coming months. The collection was previously housed at Louisiana State University, and General Middleton’s family has generously decided to donate a portion of the collection to us. I will be traveling to Baton Rouge in the near future to pick up the artifacts. This is an exciting chance for us to add to our already important collection of WW II-related items.
As always, thanks for your continued support of the museum – Denise.